This is a software oriented towards the early development and rapid prototyping of AmI systems.
Continues the idea of Virtual Living Lab, based Simulation for Creating Ambient Assisted Living Solutions.



This site introduces the Ambient Intelligence Development Environment or AIDE. This is a software oriented towards the early development and rapid prototyping of AmI systems. It assumes the devices to be hosted by the environment are Android ones. Android devices have many forms today and can be assumed to play an important future in the Ambient Intelligence scenario.


AIDE continues the idea of Virtual Living Lab as introduced in “Pablo Campillo-Sanchez, Jorge J. Gómez-Sanz, Juan A. Botía: PHAT: Physical Human Activity Tester. HAIS 2013: 41-50” and “Pablo Campillo-Sanchez, Jorge J. Gómez-Sanz:Agent Based Simulation for Creating Ambient Assisted Living Solutions. PAAMS 2014: 319-322”. The purpose of AIDE is to reduce development costs while keeping, or increasing, the quality of the AmI software.

AIDE assumes the development of Ambient Assisted Living solutions is expensive for many reasons:

Previous reasons, and others not listed here, prevent some people with very specific needs to have affordable AAL solutions that improve their quality of daily living.

Our working hypothesis is that an inexpensive computer based simulation can reduce the amount of expenses by reproducing the AAL environment in a computer simulation that includes not only the inhabitants of the environment but the AmI system as well. This computer simulation is what we call Virtual Living Lab

Benefits of the Virtual Living Lab approach

Virtual Living Labs is a concept still under evolution. The results we have now permit to affirm the following:

Funding and Acknowledgements

We are always willing to participate in development projects, specially if they are already funded or have potential to be so. We are specially interested in those that allow us to hire more developers and make AIDE advance.

Currently, AIDE will be reinforced with a new research project called Collaborative Ambient Assisted Living Design (ColoSAAL, TIN2014-57028-R) and the european project (P2PValue)[]. The first will bring more advanced simulation capabilities, including anatomy of the patients, and will reuse results from the second to build collaborative multidisciplinary design tools for experts.

This project combines number of results from different past research projects:

The expected outcome of the project is twofold: first, a better understanding of what kind of AAL applications do Parkinson disease patients; second, an infrastructure that enables industry to create AAL solutions in a more efficient and less expensive way. This project has the support of the Parkinson Madrid association.

The project has started with a sociological field study of the circumstances of Parkinson patients from an AAL perspective. Also, it is developing tools and techniques to better capture this information, as well as the means to transform this information into system applications. Another important contribution of this project is the concept of Virtual Living Lab, as an inexpensive, though realistic, testbed for developing AAL applications. Videos showing these concepts can be found in this site.