TOOL Design an IoT destributed system for each of the following scenarios using the following tool that presents the scenarios: Take a screenshot of each scenario with the sufmission confirmation of each message and your design. Send the three images of the three scenarios in one eamil together to the address: Indicate "Distributed IoT" and your name and surname in the message. Notice this is an individual task that everyone should do. You must send this email after replying the questionnaires of the next section. TESTS FOR PARTICIPANTS Evaluate the tool after submitting the designs for all the three scenarios. The evaluation consists on replying the following questionnaires. Please, ensure to write properly your name and surname, so we can track your active participation in this task. Demographic and SUS: (Socrative USE THIS) (Google Forms NOT HERE) USE (only "ease of learning" and "satisfaction" dimensions), IoT-specific questions and open feedback: (Socrative USE THIS) (Google Forms NOT HERE) Notice this is an individual task that every student should do. In the email with the three images, confirm that you have replied both questionnaires.