  * File: DomainMessage.idl
  * Content: corba definition for the domains messages
  * Author: LuisM Pena
  * Date: 28th November 2000
  * Version: 0.51.00
  * Last change:


#include "SubgroupsHandler.idl"

module sensei

  module middleware

    module domains

      //bringing some declarations into scope ...
      typedef sensei::middleware::gms::Message 								Message;

      /************************* DOMAIN MESSAGE ******************************/

      typedef long	MessageId;

       * A DomainMessage includes some additional information to handle
       * the extended functionality
      valuetype DomainMessage : Message
        //subgroup is the only field to be usually filled by the application
        public SubgroupId subgroup;		//subgroup id. EVERY_SUBGROUP by default

        //following fields should be false by default
        public boolean unqueuedOnST;//to true if the message is NOT queued during state transfers
        public boolean unTransactionable;//to true if the message is NOT queued during transactions. It is only read
                                         //if unqueuedOnST is also true

        //following fields are used by the domains package
        public boolean waitReception; //to false (default) if the sending does not wait until the member receives it.
        public MessageId  id;					//sequential id, used by the DomainGroupHandler

