  * File: GroupMembershipService.idl
  * Content: CORBA specification of members with reliable multicast
  *          communications, based on the virtual synchronous model
  * Author: LuisM Pena
  * Date: 3nd July 2000
  * Version: 0.95.00, 4th September 2001
  * Last changes:
  *             v0.95: GroupMember receives the event changingView when the view got blocked


module sensei

  module middleware

    module gms

      /************************* GROUP MEMBER ID *****************************/

        * 0 is considered an invalid member id
      typedef long GroupMemberId;

      const GroupMemberId INVALID_GROUP_MEMBER_ID = 0;

        * List of group member ids
      typedef sequence <GroupMemberId> GroupMemberIdList;

      /************************* VIEW ****************************************/

        * View, as defined in the virtual synchrony model. Every
        * group member shares the same view of the group
      struct View
        long viewId;
        GroupMemberIdList members;
        GroupMemberIdList newMembers;
        GroupMemberIdList expulsedMembers;

      /************************* MESSAGE *************************************/

      valuetype Message

      /************************* GROUP HANDLER *******************************/

        * GroupHandler defines the interface that allows to the application to
        * make group communications.
      interface GroupHandler
          * Returns the GroupMemberId handled by this GroupHandler
          * If the member is not active, the returned value is random - negative.
        GroupMemberId getGroupMemberId();

          * Returns true if the member belong to a group
        boolean isValidGroup();

          * Leaves the group
          * @returns true if the member was belonging to a group
        boolean leaveGroup();

          * Sends a message to every member in the view, returning
          * true if the message is sent on this view
          * @param message The message to send
          * @returns true if the message is sent on the current view
        boolean castMessage(in Message msg);

          * Sends a message to the specified member in the view, returning
          * true if the message is sent on this view. This call allows
          * to keep the order between cast and point-to-point messages
          * @param target The member receiving the message
          * @param message The message to send
          * @returns true if the message is sent on the current view
        boolean sendMessage(in GroupMemberId target, in Message msg);

      /************************* GROUP MEMBER ********************************/

        * GroupMember specifies the interface to be implemented by group members
      interface GroupMember
          * The member receives a point to point message to be processed
          * @param message The message to process
        void processPTPMessage(in GroupMemberId sender, in Message msg);

          * The member receives a group message to be processed
          * @param message The message to process
        void processCastMessage(in GroupMemberId sender, in Message msg);

          * The member is accepted in the group, and receives its identity and the
          *  first view. It receives as well the group handler to use for communications
        void memberAccepted(in GroupMemberId identity, in GroupHandler handler, in View theView);

          * The group is going to change the view, any new message will be sent on the next view
        void changingView();

          * The member receives a new view, including the list of members
          * @param message The message to process
        void installView(in View theView);

          * The member is excluded from the group, because it has requested it or because
          * it's considered to be faulty.
        void excludedFromGroup();


