package senseiTests.domainsTest; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; //import sensei.util.Debug; /** * The state is given by a collection of strings. This class handles any operation * related to the state */ class StateKeeper { public StateKeeper() { validated=false; state=new Vector(); clear(); } public void validateState() { validated=true; } public boolean isValidatedState() { return validated; } /** * Generates a random state */ public synchronized void generateRandomState() { validateState(); state.clear(); int n = generator.nextInt(MAX_GENERATED_SUBSTATES-MIN_GENERATED_SUBSTATES) + MIN_GENERATED_SUBSTATES; while(n-->0) addSubState(generateRandomSubState()); } /** * Generates a random substate */ public String generateRandomSubState() { return new String(COLORS[generator.nextInt(COLORS.length)]); } /** * Sets the state */ public synchronized void setState(String subStates[]) { state.clear(); int len=subStates.length; for(int i=0;i<len;i++) addSubState(subStates[i]); } /** * Adds a substate to the current state */ public synchronized void addSubState(String subState) { state.add(subState); stateAsString=null; } /** * Removes the last substate, returns true if there was something to be removed */ public synchronized boolean removeSubState() { int length=state.size(); boolean ret = length>0; if (ret) { state.removeElementAt(length-1); stateAsString=null; } return ret; } /** * Returns a valid and random index */ public int getValidRandomSubStateIndex() { return generator.nextInt(state.size()); } /** * The state can not be changed at once. It is possible with this method to specify a specific * substate, including as well the maximum number of substates, that can change dynamically */ public synchronized void setSubState(String subState, int which, int maxSubStates) { //Debug.assert((which>=0) && (maxSubStates>which) , Consts.AREA, "StateKeeper::setSubState::1::"+which+"::"+maxSubStates); while (maxSubStates>state.size()) state.add(""); while (maxSubStates<state.size()) state.remove(state.size()-1); state.setElementAt(subState, which); stateAsString=null; } /** * Returns a string representation of the object */ public String toString() { if(stateAsString==null) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); Iterator it=state.iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { buffer.append(; while(it.hasNext()) { buffer.append(" - "); buffer.append(; } } stateAsString = buffer.toString(); } return stateAsString; } /** * Return the number of substates */ public synchronized int getNumberOfSubStates() { return state.size(); } /** * Returns the substate specified */ public synchronized String getSubState(int which) { return (which>=0) && (which<state.size())? (String)(state.get(which)) : null; } /** * Returns the state */ public synchronized String[] getSubStates() { int len=state.size(), i=0; String[] ret = new String[len]; Iterator it=state.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) ret[i++]=(String); return ret; } /** * Resets the substates information */ public synchronized void clear() { stateAsString=null; state.clear(); } String stateAsString; Vector state; boolean validated; static Random generator = new Random(); final static int MIN_GENERATED_SUBSTATES = 2; //minimum number of substates to generate final static int MAX_GENERATED_SUBSTATES = 10; //maximum number of substates to generate final static String COLORS[]; static { COLORS=new String[10]; COLORS[0] = new String("RED"); COLORS[1] = new String("YELLOW"); COLORS[2] = new String("BLUE"); COLORS[3] = new String("MAGENTA"); COLORS[4] = new String("GREEN"); COLORS[5] = new String("PINK"); COLORS[6] = new String("WHITE"); COLORS[7] = new String("BLACK"); COLORS[8] = new String("CYAN"); COLORS[9] = new String("ORANGE"); } };