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So far admin has created 139 blog entries.

Modelado de sistemas sociales basado en agentes

[Traducir] Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) is a tool that faciliates the study of complex systems, which is being applied for the analysis and understanding of social phenomena and as support for decision making. Social system entities can be modelled as autonomous agents that interact in an environment. These models can be simulated in order to analyse [...]

marzo 15th, 2016|Categories: Áreas de investigación|0 Comments

Ingeniería del software orientada a agentes

[Traducir] Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) is concerned with methods and tools for the development of multi-agent systems. This work is organized around the INGENIAS methodology and the ICARO framework. INGENIAS provides a modeling language for Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). This has been the first MAS methodology in using model driven engineering, by defining a complete MAS meta-model, [...]

marzo 15th, 2016|Categories: Áreas de investigación|0 Comments

Ambient Intelligence

[Traducir] Ambient Intelligence (AmI) pursues developing intelligent environments, where applications, sensors and actuators seamlessly and transparently integrate to provide a user-centered experience. One of the main difficulties in AmI is the integration of heterogeneous components at different levels of abstraction, both at developemnt and production. Our research is developing an agent-based architecture and developemnt tools for [...]

marzo 15th, 2016|Categories: Áreas de investigación|0 Comments

Big & Open Data: Analytics and Development

Big and Open Data power data analytic applications with a massively parallel processing (MPP) analytics engine that stores and processes big data analytics together with data. Our research deals with  breakthrough performance and scalability at competitive edge in the following areas: Enable new analytics: Big data analytics framework with pattern and graph analysis to define [...]

marzo 15th, 2016|Categories: Áreas de investigación|0 Comments

Economía Colaborativa

[Traducir] The Collaborative Economy, an umbrella covering from peer production (like Wikipedia) to crowdfunding (like Kickstarter) and the sharing economy (like Blablacar) is an emergent paradigm where communities of people collaborate mediated by an online platform, while harnessing the network effects of the Internet. We perform social research to study how these communities operate (their [...]

marzo 15th, 2016|Categories: Áreas de investigación|0 Comments

IDK INGENIAS kit de desarrollo

[Traducir] The INGENIAS Development Kit (IDK) intends to facilitate the development of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) by supporting the INGENIAS Development Process (IDP). This process was created to help developers to use agent concepts in the context of a system development following engineering practices. As a result, this process proposes a set of deliverables, activities, and [...]

marzo 15th, 2016|Categories: Recursos, Software|0 Comments


[Traducir] SelfMML is a language to assist in capturing and specifying self-management requirements of systems. A self-management requirement can be defined simply as a capability of a system to perform a certain management operation by itself on itself. This work has been possible thanks to the collaboration of Dr. Jorge J. Gómez Sanz and Dr. [...]

marzo 15th, 2016|Categories: Recursos, Software|0 Comments


[Traducir] INGENME is the acronym for INGENIAS Meta-Editor. It is a tool for producing self-contained visual editors for languages defined using an XML file. It is a simpler alternative to Eclipse GMF since it requires minimal input to produce a common visual editor. You can use INGENME to test your visual language and then produce [...]

marzo 15th, 2016|Categories: Recursos, Software|0 Comments

Desarrollo basado en modelos y simulaciones con el Framework de Agentes INGENIAS

[Traducir] Jorge J. Gomez-Sanz,Carlos R. Fernandez, Javier Arroyo, "Model Driven Development and Simulations with the INGENIAS Agent Framework". Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 18(10), pp. 1468-1482. Elsevier, 2010. This file contains the specification, html documentation and code referred in the paper as the "" file. Important: to review the specification, the IDK needs to be [...]

marzo 15th, 2016|Categories: Charlas, Recursos|0 Comments

Charlas: Patrones de auto-conocimiento para la autonomía, basados en modelos

[Traducir] Por Carlos Hernández Corbato. There is a current demand for more dependable and autonomous technology. Systems are becoming increasingly complex in order to perform complicated missions in challenging environments. To guarantee mission-level resilience the limited adaptivity of standard control techniques is not enough, there is a need for actual self-engineering by the system themselves [...]

marzo 14th, 2016|Categories: Charlas, Recursos, Sin categoría|0 Comments