This site shows the main products of the SociAAL project. This research project is a joint effort between the GRASIA research group (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and the ANTS group (Universidad de Murcia). It is funded by Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness, with grant TIN2011-28335-C02-01.
The expected outcome of the project is twofold: first, a better understanding of what kind of AAL applications do Parkinson disease patients; second, an infrastructure that enables industry to create AAL solutions in a more efficient and less expensive way. This project has the support of the Parkinson Madrid association.
The project has started with a sociological field study of the circumstances of Parkinson patients from an AAL perspective. Also, it is developing tools and techniques to better capture this information, as well as the means to transform this information into system applications. Another important contribution of this project is the concept of Virtual Living Lab, as an inexpensive, though realistic, testbed for developing AAL applications. Videos showing these concepts can be found in this site.
The products from SociAAL have been ported to the AIDE framework, where the development is currently maintained. Check AIDE Web for more information.