Ambient Intelligence (AmI) pursues developing intelligent environments, where applications, sensors and actuators seamlessly and transparently integrate to provide a user-centered experience. One of the main difficulties in AmI is the integration of heterogeneous components at different levels of abstraction, both at developemnt and production. Our research is developing an agent-based architecture and developemnt tools for AmI that facilitates these tasks.

The architecture considers several types of sensors and actuators in an intelligent environment, with a logic system that can be reconfigured depending on the situation and resources available at each moment. Within these environments, the architecture considers that users’ interactions can be multi-modal, including speech and gestures, to be more natural.

Current applications are environments for interactive art installations (e.g., Talking Agents) and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)  to improve the accessibility of persons with various types of functional diversity, as effective means to allow them to gain quality of life and autonomy at home and work, and generally, in their social environment.

Responsible: Jorge J. Gómez-Sanz