Welcome to UCM – GRASIA Web
GRASIA is the Research Group on Agent-Based, Social and Interdisciplinary Applications. Our main goal is helping communities to realize their potential through the engineering of socio-technical systems.
For us, this process comes in the interplay among our work in Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analysis, Sociology, and Communication.

GRASIA. Facultad de Informática. Universidad Complutense de Madrid..
c/ Profesor José García Santesmases 9, 28040 Madrid, Spain
e-mail: grasia@ucm.es
Recent News
WikiChron: A tool to visualize collaboration in wikis.
Today we have launched a stable version of Wikichron (http://wikichron.science/), a web application made by the GRASIA research group to visualize collaboration in wikis. The tool is completely open-source and its code is public accesible in [...]
RRI Workshop on Women and Disability
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is an emerging topic in the agenda of the European Commission. It reconsiders the role of science and innovation in society and is an integral issue of research actions like those [...]
Analysis of the woman image in the videogame covers in the Spanish market (2011-2015)
In the covers of two out of ten video games marketed in Spain in 2015 appear a woman with the role of sexual object. It is one of the conclusions of the study carried out [...]
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Research and Solutions
Our complex world requires multi-faceted solutions built from an integrative perspective on social and technical issues.
GRASIA promotes the cooperation of researchers from different fields such as Ambient Intelligence, Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Blockchain, Collaborative Economy, Social Simulation, Big Data, Mobile Applications, Sociology, Crowd Psychology, Communication, and Gender Studies.
Discover our research through our public software, courses, and papers.