

Escuela de Verano sobre Entornos inteligentes basados en tecnologías de Internet de las Cosas

El Internet of Things (IoT) o Internet ​ de las Cosas, ​ es una nueva tendencia tecnológica de alto impacto en diferentes áreas del ámbito empresarial y social. Podría concebirse como una red dinámica global con capacidad de auto­configurarse basándose en protocolos de comunicación interoperables y estándar donde las cosas físicas y virtuales tienen identidades, [...]

marzo 6th, 2017|Categories: Áreas de investigación, Formación, Noticias|0 Comments

Máster de Internet de las Cosas y Sistemas y Sistemas Inteligentes

El grupo GRASIA está participando activamente en la organización del Máster de Internet de las Cosas y Sistemas Inteligentes (Master of Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Systems). Este máster forma parte de la oferta de formación continua de la UCM y se imparte contando con la participación de profesorado de la UCM con investigación [...]

septiembre 16th, 2016|Categories: Áreas de investigación, Formación, Noticias|0 Comments

IDK INGENIAS kit de desarrollo

[Traducir] The INGENIAS Development Kit (IDK) intends to facilitate the development of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) by supporting the INGENIAS Development Process (IDP). This process was created to help developers to use agent concepts in the context of a system development following engineering practices. As a result, this process proposes a set of deliverables, activities, and [...]

marzo 15th, 2016|Categories: Recursos, Software|0 Comments


[Traducir] SelfMML is a language to assist in capturing and specifying self-management requirements of systems. A self-management requirement can be defined simply as a capability of a system to perform a certain management operation by itself on itself. This work has been possible thanks to the collaboration of Dr. Jorge J. Gómez Sanz and Dr. [...]

marzo 15th, 2016|Categories: Recursos, Software|0 Comments


[Traducir] INGENME is the acronym for INGENIAS Meta-Editor. It is a tool for producing self-contained visual editors for languages defined using an XML file. It is a simpler alternative to Eclipse GMF since it requires minimal input to produce a common visual editor. You can use INGENME to test your visual language and then produce [...]

marzo 15th, 2016|Categories: Recursos, Software|0 Comments

Desarrollo basado en modelos y simulaciones con el Framework de Agentes INGENIAS

[Traducir] Jorge J. Gomez-Sanz,Carlos R. Fernandez, Javier Arroyo, "Model Driven Development and Simulations with the INGENIAS Agent Framework". Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 18(10), pp. 1468-1482. Elsevier, 2010. This file contains the specification, html documentation and code referred in the paper as the "" file. Important: to review the specification, the IDK needs to be [...]

marzo 15th, 2016|Categories: Charlas, Recursos|0 Comments

Charlas: Patrones de auto-conocimiento para la autonomía, basados en modelos

[Traducir] Por Carlos Hernández Corbato. There is a current demand for more dependable and autonomous technology. Systems are becoming increasingly complex in order to perform complicated missions in challenging environments. To guarantee mission-level resilience the limited adaptivity of standard control techniques is not enough, there is a need for actual self-engineering by the system themselves [...]

marzo 14th, 2016|Categories: Charlas, Recursos, Sin categoría|0 Comments