Welcome to GRASIA Google Summer of Code 2018

What is GSoC?

Basically, it’s where you spend your summer writing code for awesome open source projects:

  • Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. Students work on a 3 month programming project with an open source organization during their break from university.Since its inception in 2005, the program has brought together almost 11,000 student participants and 10,000 mentors from over 113 countries worldwide. Google Summer of Code has produced over 50 million lines of code for 515 open source organizations.
  • As a part of Google Summer of Code, student participants are paired with a mentor from the participating organizations, gaining exposure to real-world software development and techniques. Students have the opportunity to spend the break between their school semesters earning a stipend while working in areas related to their interests.
  • In turn, the participating organizations are able to identify and bring in new developers who implement new features and hopefully continue to contribute to open source even after the program is over. Most importantly, more code is created and released for the use and benefit of all

The official GSoC 2018 homepage describes how it works and what it involves.

The GSoC Wikipedia entry also includes some interesting background information.

Who are we?

The current challenges of our complex world require multi-faceted solutions built combining a diversity of approaches and fields, social and technical, theory and practice.

GRASIA (Group of Agent-based, Social and Interdisciplinary Applications) focuses on the construction of free/open source software tools, from an interdisciplinary approach, and aiming to reach social impact. It usually follows a decentralized paradigm, relying on software agents, distributed systems or other decentralized approaches and technologies.

GRASIA promotes the cooperation of researchers from different fields such as Ambient Intelligence, Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Blockchain, Collaborative Economy, Social Simulation, Big Data, Mobile Applications, Sociology, Crowd Psychology, Design, Communication, and Gender Studies.

The group handles a very diverse set of tools and technologies, but, as the says goes “when your solution is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail”. Hence, our diversity is, in fact, our strength.

The group produces a variety of software products that are delivered through development coordination within Github. We are registered as organization in https://github.com/orgs/Grasia and maintain there all of our projects as repositories.

Software distribution channels varies depending on the nature of the software. We have different web sites for our projects to facilitate autonomy and visibility (e.g. http://grasia.fdi.ucm.es/aide or http://swellrt.org).

The software we produce is expected to have an impact in the society. For instance, Teem for the assistance of citizen organizations that need a portable, yet easy, way to coordinate (https://teem.work); or the low cost student progress tracking tool using microblogging (http://grasia.fdi.ucm.es/bolotweet) used by 280 students already (last course) and whose activity is used to predict their final grades; or a tool to visualize collaboration dynamics in wikis (http://wikichron.science/).

Read more about the GRASIA group at our homepage.

Contact Us

We prefer email
Email: grasia@fdi.ucm.es

Project Opportunities

There are several GSoC 2018 projects at the GRASIA group

  • SwellRT. The first full-stack framework for developing decentralized real-time collaborative apps in JavaScript/Java/Android
  • JetPad. JetPad is a Free / Open Source collaborative text editor in the cloud
  • Domain Specific Languages with INGENME. An infrastructure where visual languages can be designed and become a regular component that can be reused elsewhere
  • Bolotweet. Bolotweet is a tool and a teaching method based on micro-annotations (tweets)
  • AIDE: designing for the people. AIDE stands for Ambient Intelligence Development Environment. This project is about the serious use of game engines to test/design/conceive assisting technologies for people with special needs
  • WikiChron. WikiChron is a web application to visualize history data of multiple wikis through time.


How to Apply

Applications open March 12 of 2018 16:00 UTC and close by March 27 of 2018 by 16:00 UTC . You must submit your application via GSoC: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/get-started. We will not be able to accept or process any application in any other way. Please use the below application template when submitting your application.

We will not be able to accept or process any application in any other way.

Application Template

Application template for GSoC 2018. This is the preferred template for submitting your application to work on a GRASIA project.