Following documents, all in PDF, include the thesis and some of its individual chapters, articles
sent to symposiums or magazines, and drafts of other articles (more extended that those sent to the
symposiums, or just variations). As not every document is in english, it is explicitely marked the
language on each document.
Sensei: Transferencia de estado en grupos de objetos distribuidos.
- Focused on the state transfer protocols that have been later implemented in Sensei. It
also proposes a CORBA interface to handle the state transfer, although we have later modified
almost totally this interface
- November 1998
- Simposio Español de Informática Distribuida, SEID’99, Santiago de Compostela, 24-26 February 1999;
actas editadas por Tórculo Edicións, 1999, pp. 67-76.
- Extended version published in Computación y Sistemas Vol. 2, No. 4, pp.191-201, Abril-Junio 1999
- See the document
State transfer for active replicas in CORBA
- Proposes changes on the CORBA fault tolerant service to handle a flexible state transfer.
It is the basis for the state transfer interface in Sensei.
- September 1999
- Internal document, not published.
- See the document
Conditions for the State Transfer on Virtual Synchronous Systems
- Describes the conditions that a system must verify to be able to do a state transfer
without special support. More interestingly, it described a generic algorythm that
can be used by any Virtual Synchronous system. It is the theorical basis for the state
transfer algorithms implemented in Sensei.
- February 2000
- Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Computing and Information ICCI’ 2000,
Kuwait, November 18-21, 2000 (LNCS, 2023)
- See the document
- See an extended version
Replicación de objetos distribuidos
- First document giving a first analysis of the methodology later implemented in Sensei (SenseiDomains)
- September 2000
- 1er Taller de Trabajo en Ingeniería del Software basada en Componentes Distribuidos,
IScDIS'2000, Valladolid, 9 Noviembre 2000. Universidad de Extremadura,
Dep. Informática, Informe Técnico TR12/2000 (pp. 89-98)
- See the document
Active Replication Of Software Components
- Overall description of the methodology built in SenseiDomains, with a short
comparison to the Fault Tolerant CORBA service.
- March 2002
- 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering and Middleware (SEM2002), Orlando, Florida, 20-21 May 2002.
- See the document
Técnicas de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Distribuidas Tolerantes a Fallos sobre
Arquitecturas CORBA y JavaRMI
- Thesis document.
- May 2002
- See the document
- Next chapters are also available separately: